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Make your appointment

Bij dringende vragen of tandpijn, bel ons op 03 318 00 60.

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We kijken ernaar uit om u in onze praktijk te mogen verwelkomen.

First aid for gum problems

Spontaneous gum bleeding and swollen gums are not only painful, they can lead to serious complications such as periodontitis (bone loss and eventual tooth loss). Our periodontist in Antwerp is your first line help for gum problems.

Periodontal care

Stubborn tartar is removed with painless deep-cleaning under local anaesthesia. In some cases, periodontal surgery may be necessary to prevent further bone damage. Our periodontist will give you oral hygiene tips after the treatment to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Gum correction

Excess gums or asymmetry can be aesthetically disturbing. Using fine surgical techniques, we give your gums the desired shape and height. If too much bone is present, our periodontist will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the gums do not grow back afterwards.

Gum transplant

Suffer from receding gums and exposed tooth roots? Then the periodontist will remedy this with a gum transplant or connective tissue graft. A gum transplant is an aesthetic procedure, but it also improves the quality of the gums and reduces the risk of tooth loss. Using a microsurgical technique, we take a piece of gum or connective tissue from the palate and transplant it to the area where the gums have receded.

Tooth extraction

Teeth are always removed in a painless, minimally invasive way and with a view to preserving gums and bone. Our periodontist optimally prepares the area to be treated, ensuring the successful placement of a dental implant.

Looking for a periodontist in Antwerp?